Nieweg, J. Nieweg, Jacob Nieweg born 1877-1955
Born 1877, Nieweg was the son of a preacher, and he also was a theologian, graduating in 1905. But in 1914 he traded in the pulpit for the brush and palette, and in 1919 he went to live in Amersfoort, where he remained for the rest of his life. While he painted landscapes, portraits and town faces, it is still lifes that he is best known for. The religious Nieweg had a great respect for creation and for all forms of life - he was an intense observer of nature and painted with a strongly developed eye for detail. Some thanks have to go to the art critic and consultant, H P Bremmer (who played an important role in promoting artists such as Van Gogh, Piet Mondriaan and Charley Toorop, among others). Bremmer taught Nieweg to \"see\" - to penetrate reality, to represent the intangible, spiritual elements via the intense observation of nature. Because of Nieweg\'s theological background, his respect for nature and his stated concern with the pursuit of truth, his art has been labelled in the broad sense \"religious\". Jakob lived most of his working life in Amersfoort. He was one of the founders of the Amersfortse art ring, thus contributing in more ways than one to the art life of the city. Exhibitions were organised by the group for the works of important artists, including Van Gogh. Nieweg\'s work has been the subject of a major retrospective exhibition at the Museum Flehite in Amersfoort amongst other places. He died in 1955.
Kunstenaars Collectie (7 Afbeeldingen)